The Stone Law Firm, LLC is pleased to announce that it will begin offering Spanish speaking (espanol) paralegal(s) starting in 2020 for both bankruptcy (abogado de bancarrota) and immigration issues to assist attorney Stone. South Carolina has seen an explosion of Spanish speaking (espanol) residents in the last ten years and many of these people have either bankruptcy or immigration legal matters that requires the assistance of a Spanish speaking attorney or paralegal. While I am still trying to learn Spanish, I will most likely never be proficient enough to assist my clients through their legal maze. However, with the help of a native speaking Spanish paralegals, we look forward to helping you. We have one paralegal from Ecuador that can meet with you in the Irmo office and we have one currently living in Quito Ecuador that can do a Skype or zoom video in Spanish.
As of 2020, the Stone Law Firm has two spanish speakers available for his clients at the the Irmo, Columbia, Greenville, and Florence offices. They can assist lawyer Daniel Stone with your case. Our attorney helps clients file chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy cases in South Carolina.