Foreclosure relief in South Carolina

Foreclosure article written by Columbia, SC bankruptcy lawyer Daniel Stone

For South Carolina homeowners, we have an additional non profit company that can help us with foreclosure problems. SC HELP is an organization that has Federal funds to help homeowners stop foreclosure. According to The State newspaper, SC Help has millions to help homeowners stop foreclosure. Through last year, the non profit has already dispensed over $100,000 million dollars in relief. The website is : SCHELP.GOV and the phone number is : 855-435-7472.

Please note with any organization that may be trying to help a homeowner with foreclosure, it is your responsibility to make sure they have all the required documents. I would check with SC HELP each week to follow up with your contact person to make sure they have all the required documents. Of course if SC HELP cannot help you save your home before the foreclosure sale, please contact me to discuss possibly filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

In many case, Chapter 13 will not only allow you to stop the foreclosure, it will also allow you to work on a new loan modification with your mortgage lender after filing the bankruptcy petition. If your loan modification is approved post filing, you could possibly dismiss your Chapter 13 bankruptcy or motion the Court to have your plan payment reduced.

- Stone Law Firm
