Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
For most debtors, they have often have a choice in either filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy or Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Understandably they want to
For most debtors, they have often have a choice in either filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy or Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Understandably they want to
Many Chapter 13 bankruptcy clients at some point during their plan payments consider changing or “converting” to a Chapter 7 for multiple reasons. Some
Article written by Columbia, SC bankruptcy attorney Daniel Stone Some of my bankruptcy clients ask me if it is necessary to have an attorney to
Article written by Columbia, SC bankruptcy attorney Daniel Stone For a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to be successful, the Chapter 13 plan must be feasible and
Foreclosure article written by Columbia SC bankruptcy attorney Daniel Stone When my Chapter 13 bankruptcy clients initially consult with me, we first review the acute
Article written by Columbia, SC bankruptcy attorney Daniel Stone Unfortunately, at some point during a debtor’s Chapter 13 case, there is a chance that your
The first question I am asked by a potential South Carolina bankruptcy client is which chapter is best for them – Chapter 7 or
The first question I am asked by a potential South Carolina bankruptcy client is which chapter is best for them – Chapter 7 or
Article written by Florence, SC Bankruptcy attorney Daniel Stone Sometimes I have potential bankruptcy clients ask me, “why do I need an attorney to file for
Article written by Columbia, SC bankruptcy attorney Daniel Stone I often have Chapter 13 clients that are forced to pay a significant percentage to their unsecured
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